

皆様をお迎えできないのは非常に残念ですが、しばらくは#信州の観光はお休み中 です。コロナウィルス感染症拡大防止への協力という趣旨に鑑み、何卒ご理解のほど宜しくお願いいたします。

営業再開後には是非ともお出かけください!それまでは皆様もくれぐれも#StayHome でこの難局を乗り切りましょう。


Pensee will continue to be closed for business until 31 May (subject to further extension) due to COVID-19 situation

This is, of course, not an easy decision to make but our customers’ safe and health is the highest priority for us. So please #stayhome and stay safe with your loved ones for now.

We are really looking forward to welcoming all of you once the situation returns to normal! Meanwhile, please enjoy some spring delight from our region (above picture) – a famous wild plants (called “Kogomi”) cooked with sesame.


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